Cold in July is one of my favorite new movies, and this week we're going to get into it. That and also the Boer War. Because it's also Boer War Week here at No Future, where we celebrate the Empire finally showing those goddamn Dutch settlers what for. We’ll recount every blow that Victoria and Churchill landed against those Dipp van der Shitts from Capetown to Johannesburg, or as I call it, John City. In Johnshire.
We also remember the sacrifices that noble soldiers made to keep us in a world without those smarmy Boers running around. If it wasn’t for them, we’d all be speaking Dutch right now. And not the good Dutch- the bad one that those assholes in Lethal Weapon 2 spoke.
So in celebration, we’re bringing a whole week of articles about Boer War films, Boer War fashion, and Boer War food. And you know we’re gonna talk about those fun hats. And Cold in July.